We still hate T-Ball… no wait, Soccer we hate Soccer!

With Anthony now a stay at home Dad, we one again are able to get Jayme into after school activities. So after a long time we are once again deep into team sports, this time Soccer. It’s been a weird experience for the Dad’s. Last time around it was T-Ball and we were very hands on. This time it’s Soccer and we are sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out what the Coach is doing.

We registered Jayme before the last school year ended but strangely he was placed at a different school for his home team. This didn’t matter much to Jayme as he LOVES soccer.

The practices  have been hard on our family. Two practices a week, Tuesdays and Thursday with games on the weekend. Practice would tend to run all the way to 7:00pm or later making 8:00pm bedtime hard. But the worse part was that while Jayme practiced the three of us tended to get bored and a bored toddler and 5 year old are not the most fun things in the world to be around.

But as we mentioned Jayme loves soccer, so the Dad’s discomfort was a back burner issue and Jayme’s needs came first.

Jayme’s team was interesting to watch. Each kid has his own special quirk


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