Rainpoclypse 2011

So remember our post a week or so back “When it rains it pours”? Well welcome to the THUNDERSTORM 2011.

In fact this should be like one of those manic news broadcasts with zippy storm tracker sound effects and our own seasonal logo…. YOUR Watching Super Action News Five. The Northwest’s leading weather news team. Rainpocalypse 2011! Sponsored by Richman Umbrellas. Now here is news anchor of the year Tom Tucker…..

• First weather system

We now have a date for committee set for kido#1, March 7th 2011. By close of business on the 7th we will know if we are happy new parents or still hopefuls. For this last week we have been quite literally been bouncing off the walls in excitement. The stress level in our house is also on the rise.

We have also started to update our hello book for the kido. The Hello book is a little book we have put together that introduces us, our house, the cats and the kidos room to who we hope will be our son. It’s something he can look at before we meet and before he moves in. The goal and hope is this will make his transition smoother and help take some of the scary parts out for him.

Anthony has been working on the book for 2 years now. So we only need to adjust it to match the kidos personal quirks and likes. We have been told our book is amazing. We just hope we get a chance to use it.

• Second weather system

Got an email from our adoption clinician. The caseworker on kido #2 has set a date for committee and would like to take us as one of the families three families.  She was REALLY excited about us as a match.

Our first reaction was shock. We had asked for some better info on the kido and never really heard back. And kinda had become very fousced on kido #1

The punch to the gut detail was the date for kido #2’s committee meeting March 2nd 2011. For those of you keeping track that is 5 days earlier then the kido we have been targeting.*best Charlie Brown impression here* ARRRRGGGH

We have been VERY focused on kido #1 and have been doing a lot of prep work for that committee, to try and jump tracks now seemed unfair and really did not feel emotionally right. It also did not seem fair to other families or either of the kidos, perhaps we are just to sensitive and not cut throat enough. But after a long conversation with our adoption clinician we decided to see if we could get a later committee date on kido #2 after kido #1’s.  If not we would pass on going to the committee with kido #2. We felt we did not have enough good information on kido #2 to put a potential placement with kido #1 (who we do have good intel on) in jeopardy.

So our adoption clinician went back to the caseworker and it turned out the caseworker was NOT willing to move the date.  Seems the caseworker is going on a long vacation in a few weeks and she wants to finish up all her open cases before she leaves.  So we ended up passing.

But doing so turned out to be a big relief.  Even thinking about going to two committees at once created a huge stress jump in our lives. Sticking to one committee not only lowered the stress levels it will help us remain focused and give us more time to prepare for the best case scenario, a PLACEMENT with kido #1!

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