Do you have permission to make medical decisions for your son?


So as we prep for our next adoption committee we decided that Jayme needed new medical Doctor. So Joshua called the healthcare provider to get a referral to a new Doctor. We need one that better meets Jayme’s needs and one that will meet the new kiddos as well.

After being on hold for 30 mins the call when like this:

Healthcare Vogon: Thank you sir, let me open that file. Hummm  what was your name?

Joshua: Joshua DeSoren.

Healthcare Vogon: I am sorry sir, you are not listed as being able to make medical decisions for your son. You will need to call DHS, they need to update their record.

One 30 min on hold call to Oregon DHS.

Local DHS Vogon: Thank you sir, Do you permission to make medical decisions for Jaymes?

Joshua: Jayme is 9 years old.


Local DHS Vogon: Phone Ahhh…. well Sir. We do not see you listed as his Guardian. In fact we do have any guardians listed.

Joshua: So your screen shows you have a 9 year old boy who was in state foster care.

Local DHS Vogon: Yes Sir. 

Joshua: Who listed in your records has having no foster placement

Local DHS Vogon: Yes Sir

Joshua: and no legal guardians?

Local DHS Vogon: Yes



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